دل ہے اک خواہشِ بے تاب لگا دیتا ہے | پھر تعاقب میں کوئی خواب لگا دیتا ہے | احمد سلمان


دل ہے اک خواہشِ بے تاب لگا دیتا ہے

پھر وہ پابندیِٔ آداب لگا دیتا ہے


لفظ بے صورت ہوں مگر تیرا قاتل لہجہ

میرے اطراف میں اعراب لگا دیتا ہے


پہلے کہتا ہے افلاک ہے آگے دیکھو

پھر کہیں بیچ میں ماہتاب لگا دیتا ہے


ہر وہ الزام جو دشمن نہ لگائے مجھ پر

وہ میرا حلقۂِ احباب لگا دیتا ہے


رات دیتا ہے تھکے دل کو تھپکنے کے لیے

پھر تعاقب میں کوئی خواب لگا دیتا ہے


احمد سلمان

We are | what is a satisfied life | what is successful life

When you have peace in your heart, it means you are near the truth~!

We are who we are regardless of others! The amount of money we make, the number of followers we have, the amount of popularity and fame we think we have, are all factors that will never validate who we truly are! An identity based on “popularity” will not bring us peace. It is not a secret that behind many influencer’s profiles, celebrates, etc... are many sad faces, fake vibes and depressed souls - This is the reality~. When we depend on people, or things to build us up, they will have the same power to break us down. Once we reach this awareness, we can achieve our authentic goals.

"A satisfied life is better than a successful life. Because our success is measured by others. But our satisfaction is measured by our own soul, mind And heart". Something to think about. ~.


how to remove doubts | When YOU are in doubt | Silence is the key of truth

When YOU are in doubt,………

STAY quiet for a bit and everything will seem to make sense to you.

 Silence is the key of truth.

Silence does not diminish your strength it shows your power.

"Let silence take to the the core of life...

"Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation". Rumi

When you are in a peaceful and relaxed state, it means you are near the truth.

You must keep silence to remove all doubts....

keep silence and watch the scenario.. one day you will have truth..


Self-Awareness is a Fun | A journey to ourselves | Awareness is like the sun

“A ship might be safe in the harbor, but that is not what ships are built for.” — John A.

Self-Awareness is a Fun. Accept yourself. Love yourself. Never ignore yourself in the cycle of pleasing others. Respect yourself Unless you respect yourself, no one else will respect you.

A journey to ourselves is the best journey we will ever go. You will realize people's opinion of you is not your reality and is not your problem. You will realize that doubts and fears are nothing more than a state of mind. You will realize that You are Smarter than you perceive yourself. You will tune out many people you encounter along your journey who think they know better than you do and they have the right to determine what you should be~.

 "Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed". Nhat H


The power of Mind-Heart connection | Emotions | Logic | Little acts

The power of Mind-Heart Connection

Only from the HEART you can touch the sky~. We don't have to be RICH or PERFECT to make a difference! We only need to care.

Emotions are at the heart of every interaction. Little acts can change the end of every story.

Logic makes people think and Emotions make them act. If you want to change people, talk to them with both~!

“It’s not a secret that people buy based on emotions and then use logic and reasons to justify…" – Anonymous There's no need to be perfect to inspire others.

Let people get inspired by your Kindness~! “The meaning of life is to find our gift. The purpose of life is to give it away".

Let us be the reason someone smiles today :)


How To Handle Psychological Accident? || recovery feeling words || Broken Heart Quotes


How To Handle Yourself After Any Psychological Accident?

How can I recover from a traumatic event?


There are Five steps to recover feeling injury……:



 Acceptance    "When we learn to accept instead of expect! We will have fewer disappointments". - Accept everything happens for a reason & that you need to work on yourself. - Accept people can hide who they really are & it is not your fault that they were the way they were.


 Feel it,   the feeling that you do not want to feel! Feel it to heal it & become free! “What you resist persists, what you look at disappears".


 Learn & Understand    Ask yourself: What’s good about what happen? How it can help you to become better, & more resourceful? "Look for the answer inside your question".


Change your story        When you come out of the storm, proceed with your life as a survivor not a victim.


 Focus on yourself Do what’s necessary to get yourself into a peak state emotionally, mentally & the right person will show up in the right way & time. "Align with love and tap into abundance".

سر بزم میری نظر سے جب وہ نگاہ ہوش ربا ملی | کبھی زندگی کا مزہ ملا کبھی زندگی کی سزا ملی


سر بزم میری نظر سے جب وہ نگاہ ہوش ربا ملی

کبھی زندگی کا مزہ ملا کبھی زندگی کی سزا ملی


کئی منزلوں سے گزر گئے تو ہمیں یہ راہ وفا ملی

کہیں دل ملا کہیں درد دل کہیں درد دل کی دوا ملی


تمہیں یاد ہے مرے ساتھیو کہ بچھڑ گئے تھے وہیں سے ہم

تمہیں درد دل کی دوا ملی مجھے درد دل کی دعا ملی


نہ بہا سکے کبھی اشک بھی تری برہمی کے خیال سے

گئے لے کے جلتے چراغ ہم تو ہمیشہ تیز ہوا ملی


نہیں غم جو مجھ کو زمانے میں کوئی غم کی داد نہ دے سکا

مگر ان کے دل پہ لکھی ہوئی مری داستان وفا ملی


دل کائنات تڑپ اٹھا وہ شعور نغمہ عطا کیا

جو صدائے ساز حیات سے مرے ساز دل کی صدا ملی


جو زمانہ بھول گیا تو کیا کہ چلن یہی ہے زمانے کا

مگر ان کے دل پہ لکھی ہوئی مری داستان وفا ملی